Domovoj mi je vrgel rokavico. Priznati moram, da prej nisem niti vedel, da po blogih razsaja 7 blogerskih resnic, ki so še bolj ekshibicionistične od blogov samih. Post sem tagal kot "social life", kar je že malo bizarno.
Najprej sem razmišljal, kako naj naškrampam skupaj sedem dejstev, na koncu je bilo težko reducirati.
Četrtič: V sanjah pogosto intenzivno razmišljam, rešujem probleme in se grem kombinatoriko dejanj in dialogov. Mislim, da je pomembne zadeve treba prespati. Včasih sanjam popolne nesmisle, ki dobijo svojo težo daleč v prihodnosti. Spim preveč.
Drugič: Na smrt me je strah dejavnikov, ki niso odvisni od mene. Živim v trdni lupini, ki včasih napoka. Plan ima vedno tudi rezervni plan. Bojim se bolj prestrašenih od sebe. Lastna načelnost me ubija.
Sedmič: Preziram "kolko kapljic, tolko let." Vseslovensko opevanost lastnih goric, nemoškosti v kolikor se ga redno ne napijavaš in pretepaš ženske.
Prvič: RPG. Včasih na računalniku, včasih v glavi. Z različnimi osebani se posvetujem, neverjetni zorni koti. Sam.
Petič: Včasih rečem, da sem Owca. Ampak to pomeni, da se mi ne da n-tič razlagati svojih argumentov. Po liniji najmanjšega odpora pustim, da si mislijo, da sem Owca. Racionalno hladna zunanjost ima zmešano notranjost. V resnici sem opica, blesava kot noč.
Tretjič: Ljudi dotolčem, soočim z mojo brezpogojnostjo, ko se začne pasivno jamranje. Nič ne pride samo od sebe in bog ti ne bo pomagal, če si ne boš sam! TANSTAAFL. Klicu na pomoč se vedno odzovem, darujem kri in potencialno tudi organe.
Šestič: Občudujem veščine in vrline, ki jih sam nimam. Obožujem vonj in dotik ženske kože, ognjeno rdeče lase in ženstvenost.
Na nikogar ne bom apeliral, da piše svojih 7. Toliko blogov sploh nimam med bookmarki, kaj šele med rss. Preklet post mi je vzel dve uri v šestnajstih prostih dneh. Letos še imam dve stvari za dokončati.
Skušam brat po vrsti, pa vsakič znova padem v IF-zanko, ne vem, kako je po vrsti ...
če bi brala od začetka do konca, ne bi videla med vrsticami
če bi brala po vrstnem redu, bi pa mogoče samo med vrsticami brala.
Definitivno je treba spati in takrat sanjati, če si namreč buden in sanjaš.
pa sedmič in tretjič sta mi zelo všeč.
hehe, pa rdeči lasje, hehe
Zadeva je res nekoliko konfuzna. Da bi vse te misli uredil v neko čisto in lahko prebavjivo možgansko hrano, bi skoraj potreboval enigmo.
ne ne, sploh ni konfuzna, a zlahka se lahko razume po svoje. Odvisno od prejemnika besedila, manj od tvorca ...
Našel sem neki programčič, ki te kao numerološko analizira. Na naketerih podorčjih je zadel, da glava peče... nekateri izseki:
(pravzaprav sploh ne pričakujem, da bo kdo to vse bral)
Even those who know you don’t know you. You are not the types who blabber out their feelings to anyone. You live in an isolated world created by your own self. In that world, only the chosen few can enter. To people, you seem mysterious and different because mostly your focus is turned inward, on your inner self.
Although you possess warmth and compassion, still people do not recognize it. That may be because you hide it under the cloak of detachedness so well.
It is extremely hard to get to know you. Firstly, because you don’t share your feelings; secondly, because it is hard for you to focus only on the outward world for a long time; thirdly, because you do not make small talk; and lastly, because you have no wish to impress people.
It is difficult to call you religious in the general sense, as you have your own ideas regarding the purpose of life and the Creator. But you are not an atheist for sure.
You enjoy working and most of the time you begin very systematically, organized and with an extremely thorough plan in mind.
You have a problem when it comes to completing projects that you begin.
You have the tendency to worry too much and suffer from bouts of fear from time to time, which are based on your lack of confidence in your own personal power. Although you have evident weaknesses and you may feel vulnerable at times, you are quite tough.
You are a very dreamy individual, creativity and imagination runs through your blood. You may fantasize from time to time about the perfect spouse: a white horse and a knight or a gorgeous princess. When facing painful situations in life (especially during childhood) you create a fantasy world as an escape. Although you may be disorderly, disorganized and moody, you are very talented in the arts; including writing, acting, or singing. To your disadvantage you may still continue this behavior throughout adulthood due to the fact that reality lacks the exhilaration and romance of your fantasies.
There is an isolated side to your 3 Life Path, as well. This comes as a shock to the natives and to those who think they are well aware. The 3 is actually a very susceptible soul. When upset, you have the tendency to retreat to a shell of miserable silence for unlimited periods of time. Nevertheless, the 3 in the long run copes with all of the many setbacks that take place in life and eagerly bounces back for more. It is typically simple for you to deal with problems since you can freely admit the reality of troubles without letting them get you down for too long. Because of your own feelings towards hurt, you have a thoughtful nature and you appear to be very mindful of other people's thoughts and emotions.
Slow thinking and overly thoughtful people tend to aggravate you, and you don't function too well with this type whether you are working for, with, or under them.
As you mature, you will become more and more apprehensive with the happiness of family, friends, and community. You will be attracted to the roles as healers, counselors, and teachers. You have a growing capability to give comfort and sound advice to those in need.
You of course take on the role of patriarch or matriarch of those in your care, no matter how old they are. You grow to be more responsible and protective. You may well become involved in ecological protection, volunteer work or politics.
Your cautious and objective approach to business and financial matters provides you with sound and protected success later in life. The 6 maturity number provides an exceptional monetary foundation for the future.
It is fine to take some time off from your work to enjoy and relax, but resist the temptation to completely give in to partying.
When you are at the verge of overreaction, you tend to become very needy followed by self-neglect. For example, you could be working very hard on a project making sure everything gets done properly, with the motivation of none other. Then all of a sudden you realize you are the only one working as hard as you are and you choose to punish everyone by discontinuing your activities with such power, you don’t even notice that you are suffering right along with the others.
re a dynamic force to be reckoned with and that you most often prefer a one person show. Stay away from the idea that other people should have accomplished the same things you have, or you will always be backing down from your endeavors.
Your attitude when overreacting is very passive as well as arrogant. You have the tendency to hold grudges, which usually ends up turning into something that has been blown entirely out of proportion. The process starts when you are irritated by someone and instead of complaining you keep it to yourself, because of fear of rejection. This carries on with the same person until things go to far.
With a 4 life path period you must be constantly reminded to take the time to enjoy life.
You also have the tendency to do various jobs at the same time and waste your time on wrong ideas. You may be too busy having fun to worry about the future.
You come up with illogical solutions, yet they often work.
You love things that are solid and grounded in the practical. Yet, you possess a considerable amount of artistic talent that is searching for concrete forms of expression. Not surprisingly, you love nature -- the ultimate union of beauty, form, and function.
You can be stubborn and rigid, refusing to allow new and creative ideas to penetrate your rigid adherence to established methods. This can, and often does, lead to frustration and repression for you. Things seem to take forever, especially when you resist bringing fresh approaches into your very tidy and comfortable ways of doing things. The keys to your success are your willingness to maintain order and discipline in your life, and to make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.
Instead of being confrontational use your ability to influence others in a more gentle and cooperative type of way.
Be more sensitive to the needs and expectations of others. Do not rock the boat too often, but keep the peace and try to make things run smoothly. You have to use your ability to influence others with gentle diplomacy, instead of confrontations. Be more cooperative.
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